Preparing your lawn properly can be the key to a beautiful outdoor living space. With the right steps, you can ensure your plants and grass grow in strong and beautiful. Check out these tips for keeping your lawn healthy and clean from Lush Landscape Concepts.
Come Winter, your shrubs and trees will slow their growth substantially, making it the perfect time to trim. Start by removing any dead or dying branches carefully, and trimming areas that are overgrown or unkept. If you aren’t confident in your ability to maneuver around and trim your shrubs and trees, we recommend leaving it to Lush Landscape Concepts. Once you’re happy with the size and shape of your shrub or tree, clean up all debris and branches and properly dispose of them.
To get a head start on your garden, plant any long term bulbs in properly drained areas. To protect your plants from harsh winter elements, cover your garden with a minimum of two inches of mulch. Mulch, besides acting as a natural insulator, also provides an aesthetically pleasing look. Be sure not to place too much mulch around the base of trees or shrubs, as the moisture buildup can cause suffocation or rot in the trunk.
It’s important to remember to winterize your tools and water spigots before the first major freeze. By properly draining and insulating all your equipment, you prevent long-term and potentially costly damage. Water spigots should be turned completely off and covered. Any organic chemicals should be stored in an area with appropriate temperature and ventilation.
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